As a rule, I hate career politicians, and tend to vote for people who want to be representatives of their people, and who will hopefully represent my desires and wishes and stand the same way as I do on certain issues. Now, all of this doesn't matter, really, because politicians are swayed by lobbyists and big corporations, and that's who most politicians care most about, other than themselves. Until GWB came along, I would have said that it doesn't matter what beliefs the president has, it matters what companies back him and can push his buttons. Since Dub, I've seen where the country can go in the hands of a truly paranoid, colossally idiotic, self centered, deranged, maladjusted dingbat.
For 2008, we've got quite the crappy crop of candidates for the big two. Here's what I've got against each of the candidates:
- Rudy Giuliani - Way too stuck on 9/11. Way too focused on NYC. I don't think he'd have a national viewpoint. Also very much a "what can get me the most votes" kind of guy, while hiding his true intentions. In short, I just don't trust him. But he's the closest the Republicans get to getting my vote, which is not very close at all.
- John McCain - Wants to send more troops to Iraq. Like that's going to help. I used to like him, but he's too much of a warmonger.
- Ron Paul - Immigration issues are what sinks him for me. He's big into the US being "independent" from the rest of the world. In a world economy, when you're as big of a consumer as the US, you HAVE to be part of the world economy, or you're sunk. Also anti-abortion big time.
- Mitt Romney - Anti-woman, Anti-gay, Anti-immigrant, and is a bishop in the LDS church. Basically, he'd make being poor illegal. And his wife can't drive worth shit.
- Sam Brownbeck - Anti-abortion, anti-gay, and is for a constitutional amendment to ban same sex unions. What's the matter Sam, is Jim the construction worker giving you tightpants syndrome?
- Mike Huckabee - Anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-war.
- Duncan Hunter -Pro-war, anti-abortion, to the point of constitutional amemdments. Same goes for gay rights, or lack thereof.
- Tom Tancredo - Pro-war, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant, big time. Actually wants to build that stupid fucking fence.
- Fred Thompson - Pro-war, anti-abortion, anti-gay.
- Barack Obama - Probably as close as I'll get to liking someone in the big 2. He's not for same-sex marriage, and I'm not behind his immigration 100%, and I don't like the fact that he still thinks Social Security works as it stands today, but overall, he's not too bad.
- Hillary Clinton - Ultimate snake in the grass politician. Will absolutely say whatever gets her the most votes. Could give a crap about people, or their views, and is in it for the fame and money. The type of person that when asked "What do you believe in?", says "Well, what do you believe in?" Slimeball extraordinaire. And that has nothing to do with her being a woman.
- Joe Biden - I like his proposal for splitting up Iraq and not forcing three groups to co-exist. Not so sure about his Social Security stances. Seems to be pandering to the babyboomers.
- Chris Dodd - I honestly don't know enough about him to say what I don't like about him. He seems to be saying the right things, at least.
- John Edwards - Religious nut.
- Mike Gravel - Still thinks we can do something in Iraq other than getting the F out of there. Is big on "Agressive Diplomacy". Whatever that is, it doesn't sound good to me.
- Dennis Kucinich - Thinks Social Security is not in crisis. Um. Right.
- Bill Richardson - Again, I like most of what he says, and I don't know what about him I don't like, but I know I heard something at some point.
Your Score You scored the following on the PoliticsMatch questions: | ||
Personal Score | 88% | |
Economic Score | 11% |
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Where your Personal score meets your Economic score on the grid below is your political philosophy. Based on the above score, you are a Hard-Core Liberal .